Judy & Marianne from Long and Short Reviews’s: Healing the Beast Within

Healing the Beast Within by Jaxx Steele

Apr 05, 11
4 of 5 stars false
Read in April, 2011
Healing the Beast Within is a heartwarming tale of a brother’s devotion, a monster’s salvation, and love’s reconciliation. This is my first exposure to Jaxx Steele’s writing, and I was instantly drawn in to his amazing drama. If you enjoy romantic, charming tales with smoking hot manlove, this should be on your must read list.

Keith is written as a brilliant and loving man who suffers physically and emotionally through no fault of his own. I identified with this man, and almost immediately felt a desire to console him. He finds his love interest in the sexy, mature Marcello. Marcello’s personality is authentic in a way that breaks my heart. I wanted to smack the fool out of him, but begrudgingly understood his perspective. The lovemaking between these two is at once tender and stunningly erotic. These scenes were well thought out and perfectly placed throughout the book.

I enjoyed the playful banter shared between the twins Keith and Kevin. The dialogue between these brothers was fun to read, and was a clever way to establish their special bond in the mind of the reader. For example, Kevin succeeds in breaking the melancholy his brother is suffering through by quoting Star Wars’ Obe-Wan Kenobe in an incredibly corny manner. I literally laughed out loud during this hysterical scene as I could picture my brother saying something similar to me.

You’ll find that love and acceptance comes from a surprising source in Healing the Beast Within, proving that hope springs eternal. Mr. Steele displays a talent for amazingly vivid writing with careful attention to detail. I have gladly recommended this to my friends, and look forward to more exciting tales from this author. I’ll end with my favorite quote from this book: “You’ve made me feel like nobody has ever before. I long for you to touch me again. I want you so bad…”

Originally posted at http://whippedcream2.blogspot.com/201…

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