Jamie Lake Novels Interview with Jaxx Steele
Interview With Gay Romance Blogger and Author Jaxx Steele
I have the great pleasure to interview today gay romance blogger and author Jaxx Steele from Guys Like Romance, Too! He has an exciting blog where he has a theme every month and features authors he admires and supports. He also features the best m/m books to read out there. If you’re looking for a resource created with so much passion and packed with a lot of value, I strongly recommend you check his blog!
Tell us about you and your blog. Where can we read it?
Three years ago Carson Douglas, an avid reader of m/m literature, and I, a gay romance author, decided we wanted to help shine the spot light on the genre that we loved so much. At the time we couldn’t find any blog sites solely dedicated to m/m literature. So we talked it over and launched Guys Like Romance, Too! in December, 2011. Guys Like Romance, Too is a theme oriented blog site, meaning each month has a specific theme that the author’s book must have in order to blog that month with the exception of blog tours. We felt this was a good way to give all genres a chance to shine and it alerts the readers interested in that particular a chance to peek at several authors and books in their favorite genre. This is the direct link www.guyslikeromancetoo.blogspot.com
Why are you passionate about reading and reviewing m/m books?
I have always loved reading books of all genres. I read my first gay romance in 2005 and I knew that I wanted to write them. We hooked up with Slave’s Erotic Reviews early 2013 because we were getting so many emails from people asking if we reviewed also. Slave’s Erotic Reviews lost 2 reviewers due to offline conflicts, thus they are on hiatus until the turn of the year to catch up and acquire new reviewers.
When did you start blogging?
We opened our doors with a holiday celebration in December, 2011.
Many of my readers love reading m/m blogs but what makes yours unique compared to others?
I think our theme schedule makes us different. For example, by looking at our schedule readers who really like alien books, steampunk or transgender books knew to come check us our in August when our theme was ‘Out the Box: the untouched genres’. Our unique schedule gives the author the ability to plan ahead. Also we have partnered with Totally Bound Publishing and Dreamspinner Press. Both house produce excellent m/m books of all genres and they have their own days for their authors to shine: Totally Bound Mondays and Hump Days with Dreamspinner Press.
What would you like to see more of in m/m literature that you don’t see now?
Personally I’d like to see more of the out the box stuff, the steampunk, alien, transgender and the like. It is an under rated area and some really good stories can come from that area.
What are tips you can give to aspiring reviewers?
It’s always best to be honest when you review someones work, but a good reviewer remembers that the author has put their heart and soul into writing that story. Taking others feeling into consideration may be the way to go when giving your opinion.
Jamie Lake is the author of Bad Boy: Naughty at Night and other m/m gay romance novels.