New Release Vegas Valentine

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Hector and Chad are back! Hector thought to combine his business trip to Las Vegas with celebrating Valentine’s Day with Chad, thus keeping a previously made promise. Unfortunately, work prevails and Hector’s well laid plans are demolished. Will he be able to turn things around and make Valentine’s Day in Vegas a day neither of them will soon forget?


Chad walked in the door and Hector all but pounced on him. He lifted him with a hug from the floor, swung him around and kissed him soundly in the mouth before putting him down again.

“Wow! Not that I really care, but what was that for?”

“It’s Valentine’s Day, sweetheart. That’s all the reason I need.”

Chad’s handsome features transformed from excited to distraught almost instantly.

“Daddy, I’m so sorry. I thought we would be home for Valentine’s Day since your seminars were supposed to be over by yesterday. I’m afraid I left your present there,” he said sadly.

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